Our collaborative work for equity
Our community works to upend the racial disparities that afflict Black birthing people in Pittsburgh. MAYA hires program participants, follows proven models for improving birth equity, supports birthing people in making their voices heard, and champions them as experts in their own lives. We collaborate with local hospitals and birth centers to create and implement standards of practice ensuring equitable treatment for birthing people and doulas; we create curricula to train students to resist structural racism in medical spaces; and we are advisors for partnerships working to resist obstetric racism. MAYA was chosen as a Pittsburgh: Safer Childbirth Cities participant and a Perinatal Health Equity Champion, and is a participant in Allegheny Health Network’s First Steps & Beyond project. Our director of civic engagement is a founding member of a collaborative of Black representatives of local birthing organizations working for racial justice for birthing people and birthworkers.
Our PartnersWe operate in community with others. Thank you to our partners and collaborators for sharing in our journey.
Our FundersA special thank you to MAYA's funding partners. Your support makes our work in the community possible!